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Cartoons to span the decades

One of the many fantastic things about the London Branch is the wide range of skills and knowledge our members bring to the mix, often unexpectedly and at the drop of a hat.


One such example manifested itself back in the 90s as we found ourselves with a wonderful addition to our fanzine, Hit The Bar!


Jason Casey – an aspiring graphic designer at the time – kicked off a series of entertaining, light-hearted cartoons that quickly picked up a following all of their own.


We asked him recently to look back at his artwork and come up with his own top 10 from the vast amount he submitted for publication over the years.


“I started doing cartoons for the Branch back in the Christmas period of 1992,” he explained. “United were near the bottom of the league (nothing new there) and I wanted to be a graphic designer.


“Since then, over the last 33 years I’ve submitted over 200 cartoons, and many have made it to print in Hit The Bar!


“My volume and ability have declined over the course of the last decade, so I’m pleased that I’m still noted for my past glories.


“I’ve been asked by the committee to look through them all and come up with my personal top 10, so here goes …”


10: The Cumbrian Roller-Coaster
















Just like recent seasons, where we seem to be either going for promotion or battling relegation, the period 1993 to 2007 had many ups, downs … and further downs. I like how this ride is depicted and how it captures 13 seasons in one drawing.


9: Auf Wiedersehn Pet


















It’s 1996 and Knighton and Day started to rebuild the United side à la a brilliant TV show about Northern builders going to Germany for work, fun and fights.


8: Del Boy


















Derek Asamoah was full of tricks in 2015 and the obvious alter-ego of much loved Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses, who had a few tricks up his sleeve as well, was an obvious comparison.


7: Star Trekking


















In 1995 we had proper stars. Rod Thomas and Dean Walling, aided by alien spotting Knighton, beamed us up to the Endsleigh dizzying heights.


6: Xmas on Track



















My first cartoon was at Christmas in 1993 and I think it was the only time I did the fox as per the original design. On the right track, or following sheep, nailed the sentiment of the regime under Wadsworth (I think).


5: God



















1995 again. Knighton has got us promoted, his personality was sooooooo huge and he did work miracles. The rest, sadly, was history, but we did think he was God at the time.


4: Dave Nic Tribute


















A 2010 tribute to the CUSCLB treasurer and larger than life man, Dave Nicholson. Under Knighton Dave notoriously drove from Reading to a home match in his legendary quarts suit and sat on a deck chair in protest outside the ground. 


3: AGM 2011
















Not a great subject matter but I was against the proposed increase in fees for membership as the UK was still in a mini-recession. We've had some great AGM venues over the years and a few were lucky enough to be at the house of democracy. Did I really say that! Hear Hear!


2: Exiles
















In 2009 I did a regular feature of famous non-football people discussing Carlisle United. My favourite was the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandella having a chuckle about our 35-year plight out of the top flight. Other victims of my poison pen were Prince Charles, Hitler with Churchill, Macron and Gordon Brown. I think there are a few characters I could lampoon from today’s world of celebrities with agendas.


1: Champions



















1995 was a really great year to be a Carlisle fan. Dancing deck chair, sheep, players and Knighton all doing a conga to take us up a division.



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